Hotels in Slough | Hotels near Windsor | Holiday Inn Slough Windsor.


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  • Check-in: 15:00
  • Check-out: 12:00
  • Mininum check-in age: 18

03333 209 351

Frequently asked questions

Where is Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor located?

Ideally located, our hotel is only 10 minutes away from Heathrow Airport, a few minutes from the M4 and only 2 miles from Slough train station.

Does Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor have a car park?

Yes. Parking Eye System is in place. Please register car at reception.

What are the check-in and check-out times for Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor?

Check-in time is 3pm, and check-out time is 12pm. 

Can I pay for early check-in/late check-out at Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor?

Yes, contact the hotel for details. 

How far from Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor is it to the town centre or train station?

Around 10 minutes away from Heathrow Airport. Around a 5 minute drive to Slough centre and the train station.

Does Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor offer cots?

Yes, cots are available on request.

Can Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor book me a taxi?

Yes, at reception.

Does Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor allow pets?

Yes, dogs only. £15 per dog per night.

Does Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor have conference rooms?


Does Holiday Inn Slough - Windsor have WiFi?

Complimentary wi-fi throughout the hotel.

When is breakfast served?

Weekdays 6.30 - 9.30am. Weekends - 7.30 - 10.30am.

Is the hotel reception desk open 24 hours a day? 

Our Front Desk is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How far is the hotel from Legoland and how much is a taxi to get there?

We are located 4 miles from Legoland and a taxi would be around £12.00 - please contact us for a local taxi number.

What is the best way to get to Heathrow airport from the Hotel?

The most convenient way to travel to Heathrow is by taxi, It will cost approximately £25.00 - £31.00 depending on which terminal you are travelling to. Booking larger cars and travelling on bank holidays will cost more - please contact us for a local taxi number.

Can you see Windsor castle from the bedrooms?

We do have a number of Family/Twin rooms and Executive rooms with views of Windsor Castle

Food hygiene rating 5